East Windows
The only stained glass in St Thomas’ Church is at the East end, there are 3 narrow windows (referred to as lancet windows) underneath a round window (referred to as a rose window).
The lancet windows each portray resurrection:
- On the left, the scene is the raising of Lazarus from the dead, with an inscription from the Authorised Version of the Bible, “He that was dead came forth”.
- On the right, the scene is the raising of the widow of Nain’s son, again there is a Bible text, “Young man, I say unto thee arise”.
- Triumphantly placed in the middle, in the largest of the lancet windows, is the resurrection of Jesus Christ himself. The text is, “I am the resurrection and the life”. Across the bottom of all 3 lancets is the dedication, “To the glory of God and in memory of William Thickens first vicar of this parish died Oct 5TH 1873″
The rose window has 8 sectors, each depicting an angel holding a banner with the words of the 8 beatitudes from Jesus’ famous Sermon on the Mount (Matthew chapters 5-7)
- Blessed are the Merciful
- Blessed are the Pure in Heart
- Blessed are the Peacemakers
- Blessed are they which are Persecuted
- Blessed are the Poor in Spirit
- Blessed are they that Mourn
- Blessed are the Meek
- Blessed are they that do Hunger and Thirst
In the centre are the initials IHC which is another form of the Greek IHΣ these are the first 3 letters of the Greek spelling of JESUS ( IHΣYΣ). This is called a Christogram, follow the link for more information.